HSG – Measure the perception level of the target travelers about the idea of a tourist resort investment project
Year: 2022
HSG invested in a complex tourist area project with a different product model in a famous tourist destination. However, this place had some limitations in terms of accessibility and strong existing competitors. HSG needed to ensure the investment efficiency of the project while the product idea of the resort is brand new. There was no competitor with a similar model to compare.
To address that requirement of HSG, Outbox measured the perception level of project ideas of target market segments. We organized more than 20 focus group discussions with 120 participants representing different market segments at 4 locations, where key markets of the project were. The entire project idea was organized by Outbox's expert team into specific product groups to suit the tastes of each market segment. Based on that, the project's potential clients provided detailed evaluations of the product idea according to a set discussion framework.
Content data obtained from interviews with potential customers, after being analyzed, not only provide HSG with specific perception levels of different customer segments in other geographical regions on each group of product ideas and the project as a whole. It also provides customer expectations for the project. Based on that, HSG has identified the investment, the risk barriers that prevent visitors from coming to the project before implementing, the important unique selling points (USPs) that determine the expectations of the potential customers and the level of interest, customer interest on each product idea. Based on this analysis, HSG's team made appropriate adjustments in the investment plan to keep up with the needs of the market; thereby optimizing project investment efficiency.