What’s your expectations, and how will you meet it ? Setting attainable objectives as well as clear data collection and analysis methodologies best suit your needs that are well-understood within the organization is a prerequisite to meeting them.
Project Orientation
• Specify business needs
• Identify target research subjects
• Determine methodology
Project Kick-off
• Verify final research details
• Meeting with project teams

It’s not enough to just provide the data. An effective market research is also transforming data into actionable insights by walking you through an informed interpretation of what the results mean regarding your primary question and objective for the research.
Research Set-up
• Decide on research/ measurement tools
• Decide on specific aspects of the subjects based on the business’s request and situation.
Results delivery
• Statistical analysis to identify/ unveil important aspects of the subject
• Reporting

Decisions can no longer just be made on numbers alone, but by delivering dynamic & insightful reporting that results in a measurable, meaningful and relevant impacts to making your decisions.
• Dynamic & Insightful Report
• Workshop/ presentation
• Advise on follow-up
• Consultancy on action plan (on request)