Ut sem arcu, consequat quis lacinia id, ultrices in felis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec venenatis, eros scelerisque volutpat fringilla, mi diam varius ligula, in eleifend lectus est fermentum lorem.

SEA Tourism Performance in Oct 2023

SEA Tourism Performance in October 2023: Cambodia Closely Reaches Its Target with the Highest Recovery Rate

International tourism is steadily gaining momentum, while Southeast Asia (SEA) remains stable n in October 2023, with a minor 1.8% increase in international visitors from 6,193,292 to 6,305,273 (excluding Malaysia). Catch up more details about SEA tourism with the reading below! During the first 9 months of 2023, as per the recent updates from UNWTO,…

SEA tourism performance in SEPT 2023: Vietnam & Indonesia have reached the annual target

Southeast Asia tourism performance experienced a significant decline in September 2023, with an 18% decrease in international tourist arrivals from 7,029,210 to 5,750,050 visitors. Although Thailand still holds the top spot in the list of countries with the highest number of international visitors in the region, it experienced the largest decline in tourist arrivals compared…