SEA tourism performance in April 2023: Encouraging Performance During Low Season

During the initial quarter of 2023, international tourism in Southeast Asia experienced a relatively subdued growth rate. Nevertheless, despite the advent of April marking the onset of the low travel season, tourism activities within the region persist in exhibiting encouraging indications. Increase in total number of international visitors The total number of international arrivals to…

How Vietnamese gens travel in the summer

Summer, the peak season of the year in Vietnam, has arrived. To breakthrough in the number of tourists and revenue during this time, destinations and businesses need to grasp all key information about tourists, the end-users in a tourism product/service. Though this is the peak season for Vietnamese domestic tourists, should we equate an approach…

Japan attracts wealthy tourists

The Japanese government is trying to attract wealthy tourists to the country by implementing several initiatives. Although accounting for only 0.9% of the total number of tourists to Japan in 2019, the super-rich foreign travelers contributed up to 11.5% of the total spending of international tourists in the country. Therefore, in order to attract more…